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Premium Chicken Feed Products

Foothill Feed and Mercantile is proud to offer excellent quality feed products for your flock - chicks, layers, and meat birds.

SWANSON LAYER FEED by Associated Feed, comes in a pellet, crumble, or mash (powder) form.  It contains no additives, hormones, or medications and is sold in 50 lb bags.  

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In this ever changing world of ours, non-genetically modified (Non-GMO) grains are fast becoming the primary choice for people who are concerned not only about what their animals eat, but also how that affects their health.  Bar Ale Inc. of Williams, California are leaders in the production of Non-GMO feed products for animals.

Foothill Feed and Mercantile is proud to offer this option to its customers.  The demand for Non-GMO chick and layer feed has grown exponentially over the last 4 years and we are keeping pace with this change.  We carry corn & soy free Non-GMO layer pellets and crumble, "Ultimate" layer crumble mixture, along with chick feed, game bird and turkey, and corn & soy free Non-GMO All Purpose Poultry mini-pellet feed.  

Chicken Layer Pellet or Crumble Feed 16% non-gmo corn & soy free

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"Ultimate" Chicken Layer Crumble Feed 16% non-gmo

non-gmo ultimate layer feed ingredients

Chick Starter Crumble Feed 20% non-gmo 

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Poultry Scratch Mix non-gmo 

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